Monday, August 11, 2014

Brotherly manipulation...

Both my boys are smart, and this isn't just a proud momma talking, but Milo's starting to understand the strength of his knowledge.  He recognizes what Jude likes and prefers and is completely using that for his own benefit.

Case in point:  Milo's favorite show right now is Octonauts on Disney, a cute show that teaches about marine animals and features a crew including a dog, cat, penguin, and others, lead by Captain Barnacles, a polar bear, thus the appeal.  Jude's favorite things include kitties, candy, cars, etc.  In the morning, especially if I'm moving a little slow or need a little time to myself, I do turn on the baby crack, ur I mean the TV.  I usually try to let them discuss and agree upon what to watch.  Milo asked, "Jude, want to watch the kitty?" "Yeah! Sure!" says Jude.  "Okay, Mommy, Jude wants to watch Octonauts!"


Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Quirky tales of the Dude...

Some hilarious moments in the life of Jude this summer.  Tale one opens on Fayetteville Street in Downtown Raleigh on the 4th of July.  The city does an amazing festival with live music, fair food, performers, craft tents, bouncies, train ride, and lots and lots of red, white, and blue.

While meandering the fair a little earlier in the day with Nana and Booka, we happened upon an orchestra playing on the lawn of the capital, stayed and listened for a bit, then headed back up the street to meet up with Daddy and Milo.  Just off the lawn was one of those performers painted and dressed like a statue, standing next to a placard in the lawn, and he was working it.

He had a suitcase in front of him with a sign that said something to the affect of, put a dollar in and maybe he'll move, maybe he won't.  We gave Jude a dollar and sent him to put it in the suitcase.  He walked right up, placed the offering, and walked away.  When nothing happened, he walked back toward his dollar, the man moved, and the poor kid jumped out of his skin, screaming louder and higher than I've ever hear him!  He leapt into my arms, hugging me tight, peaking around my neck, eying his nemesis.  The statue-man may have been just as startled, and he appeared to feel badly.  He reached behind him and pulled an over-sized $100,000 bill and handed it to Jude.  Without releasing me, Jude eyed the man, and reached for the treasure.

Needless to say, Nana, Booka, and I laughed and giggled and cuddled my poor, traumatized child until we met up with Mike and relayed the adventure.  Milo instantly swiped Jude's "money," and Jude stayed in my arms for a good long while.

Tale 2 happened while we were at the beach with the Rohls, staying in a hotel suite larger than any of the apartments I've lived in.  Our family shared a room with 2 beds, Jude was in a little nest we built on the floor at the end of Milo's bed, big brother was in one bed, and Mike and I in the other.  At one point, I'm fairly certain that Milo fell out of his bed and onto his head.  He started this half-awake crying/moaning thing.  I pushed Mike out of bed to go soothe his son.

Mike did his best, even snuggling in bed with the mostly incoherent Milo.  Milo just kept crying out for me, and though we were pretty sure that he was mostly asleep, we placated and placed him in our bed, between me and the wall.

At this point, Mike was taking over Milo's bed, and tossing Milo his various sleeping buddies.  He said something like, here come the blankies, at which point Jude wordlessly popped up from his nest on the floor, ran around the side of the bed, snapped up Milo's beloved duckie blanket, ran back to his nest, snuggled in, and we didn't hear a peep out of him until the morning.  Mike and I tried to contain our laughter as the boys slept on!