Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Some old stuff...

Now that I'm trying to be back on the ol' blogging circuits again, thought I should catch up on some cool stuff. Here are the first pictures of the little bean. These are from our 12 week ultrasound, so back in December. We sort of had no idea when we got pregnant, so they had us go in early just so we could figure out how far along I was. It was a fairly traumatizing experience, doesn't help when one's hormones rage unchecked at any given moment, but I survived, baby survived, and Mike went to work that night so he wouldn't have to deal with me. Poor Mom, I called her on the way home and just cried. Duh, don't freak Mom out when really not that big of deal, just crazy mind and mood-altering chemicals raging thru bloodstream :) So I stopped for McDonald's on the way home, scarfed fries, nuggets, and a chocolate shake, and felt much better. We've had a couple of ultrasounds since this one, but the pictures are on the other computer. Plus there's a cute story involving a certain brother-in-law that will have to wait for another entry on another day...