Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Everyone...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Cleaning house... And cat...

So after that deep and thoughful post, thought you all might enjoy seeing one of Linus' favorite past times: being vacuumed. Thought Sarah Knuth might enjoy this especially in that she and Kim are coming for a little visit and Sarah is allergic to our little angels. We do really try to get up all the cat hair in preparation to your visit, even that which is still attached to the cat...

Sally and Linus are funny this way: Sally, v. typical of cats, runs and hides when the vaccum roars. Linus on the other hand, runs and finds the vacuum; he even likes to have his ears, tail, and the top of his head sucked.

Mind the Gap...

Sorry about my delay in ramblings. Been kinda hard to get up and dust myself off. Working thru a bit these days. The change in job, yes, still working on easing into my new habitat in St. Paul. And if I might be perfectly honest with all of you, since I hide nothing from you anyways, I think I'm a bit depressed. I've always stuggled with anxiety, or at least thru most of my adult life thus far, and the symptoms of anxiety and depression overlap a bit. I've been in to see a doctor regularly this fall, and he calls it "acute reaction to stress." I guess this makes sense. So if I seem a little blah or a bit more teary than normal, if that's possible, please stick with me; walk with me as I mind this gap in emotional stability.

I like this term, mind the gap. Originated I believe in the tube stations in England to remind people to watch their step. Helpful in several instances. Helps that I like the play on words with my employer as well, but separate from that. This phrase is useful in witty situations like when someone misses a step and trips, or when Linus reaches a little too far to clean his back and falls off the couch. Mind the gap. Or when it takes noticable time between when a person is exposed to an idea and when they actually get it. Mind the gap. Or when we plateau in life, between valleys or mountains. Mind the gap. In all these instances, I think we must take this expression at face value. Notice the space inbetween places. This too is a place where you might find yourself. Notice the gap. Take heed and mind the gap.