Sunday, December 10, 2006

Cleaning house... And cat...

So after that deep and thoughful post, thought you all might enjoy seeing one of Linus' favorite past times: being vacuumed. Thought Sarah Knuth might enjoy this especially in that she and Kim are coming for a little visit and Sarah is allergic to our little angels. We do really try to get up all the cat hair in preparation to your visit, even that which is still attached to the cat...

Sally and Linus are funny this way: Sally, v. typical of cats, runs and hides when the vaccum roars. Linus on the other hand, runs and finds the vacuum; he even likes to have his ears, tail, and the top of his head sucked.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for vaccuming your kitty's for me :-) I really appriciate it. I had a GREAT time this weekend and Im so glad that you could be there! Love You Lots!! SARAH

Svoblogger said...

be honest...
I thought Mike once told me that he likes to have his head vacuumed too. Is this true???

KristiK said...

Who wudda thunk that one could vaccuum a kitty!? Well - you've got some unique cats...that's for sure!

Hey only one more week til I get to see you and give you a huge hug! Jason and I are pretty pumped to hang out with you and Mike. :)