Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What do April snows bring?

Only life in Minnesota will bring snow at the end of April, just when you've convinced yourself that it's over until October, at least. This past weekend, Mike and I made our way north again to Duluth. It did snow here in the Cities too, but in Duluth, we awoke Saturday morning to a good couple of inches of snowy ice on our car. We drove up Friday afternoon for Mike to be inducted into the U of M's rho chi, honor's society for pharm school, once again confirming the fact that I married a genius. Here he is with another smarty pants, our friend Carrie Ann, and one of the professors. After dinner we grabbed a huge monster cookie at Old Chicago and celebrated the decreasing bustline of another pharmacy friend; yes, Skinner, we too will miss the Twins, but I'm pretty sure you're back will be much better off with less of them!

Saturday, we spent the day hanging out with our friends the Svobodas. Jen and Eric are one of the only couples that Mike and I know that the wives get along just as well as the husbands. And the four of us together are even better. They've got two little guys, Zeb and Jayven, and we had a blast, the six of us, having pillow fights, eating way too much food, playing Settlers and Marbles in one night ("Marbles!!"), and catching up on life. We're lucky that Eric and Jen put up with us skipping in and out rather quickly usually, so we decided this time, it was all about them. And that was so fun! Zeb is at the great age where he entertains us more than we need to entertain him, and though Jayven's not a big communicator just yet, he'll win you over too quickly with that flirtatious smile of his! Jen and I are both daughter #3 of 4 daughters, so we have lots in common, and Mike and Eric have eerily similar senses of humor. I only wish they lived next door... Some day, E, I'm tellin' you, the commune!! Thanks, E and Jen, for a fantastic weekend; I haven't laughed that hard in... I don't know how long!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

The newest member of our family...

As most of you guys know, we had to put our beloved Linus down this winter. We've talked about getting another cat for a couple months now, but wasn't really finding anyone we fell in love with. Recently, Sally (our other Siamese) has been out of control; she's loud and hyper and needs attention every second she's awake.

So in an attempt to alleviate Sally's "distress" and bring another little buddy home, we contacted a pet clinic nearby and found Jackson, that's right Amy, how crazy is that, Jackson?!? We fell in love with him as soon as we saw him, and everything the clinic told us seemed to fit. We asked about his temperment, and they said he was extremely mellow, pretty quiet most of the time, and well, a bit lazy. We thought, "perfect!" When we saw him, we also loved that fact that his head is disproportionately large for his body, and his feet are kinda big too. He's about 3-4 years old, he's also a stray that someone had dropped off at the clinic, just like Linus was.

So we adopted him yesterday and brought him home. Sally's a little perturbed, but she'll get over it. And as you can see, he's just fine! Mike thinks we should change his name, but I'm not sure, I don't mind Jackson, but Mike kinda likes Charlie, not only because of our Peanuts' character thing we've got going, but because of his ginormous head! What do you all think? Let us know, and if you can, come say hi! He's super sweet and such a lover! Welcome to the Schroeders, Jackson... err Charlie... ?