Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Busy, busy, busy...

Sorry avid fans, lacking in the updating of the blog. Crazy times at work as holiday shipments come pouring into the store, literally filling our backroom floor to ceiling. My last wedding of the year was this past weekend as the Hastings on Mike's mom's side of the family married off their youngest. Beautiful ceremony, and I have to say, I think the flowers looked pretty good. Mom was up for a couple of weeks to help with daycare as one of my daycare providers was on vacation, but I barely saw her. I worked, came home, slept, and started again the next day all over again. But Mike and I are both missing her. No one to magically do our dishes while we're gone during the day. No one to make us coffee and share a cup with in the morning. Mom is such an easy visitor, I almost feel guilty. And we found out about a month ago that my grandpa has lung and brain cancer. So I've made a few trips down there over the past couple of weeks to hang out with him and my grandma. They only just moved up from Texas to Iowa, amazing timing, but hard and unfair all at the same time. The first time in my life that we've been this close geographically, and it's difficult to enjoy it. But I think I'm closer to both of my grandparents than I've ever been. Milo survived his 4-month appointment today, and mom was much better prepared with baby tylenol, so everyone's surviving well. I'll leave you with this great picture my friend Kory took of the little nugget. Gap's advertising for this holiday is all about the snowflakes made out of people, you know with everyone's head in the middle and their arms and legs radiating out in a snowflake-like shape? And in one of them, in the middle of the human snowflake is this little baby, the nugget. We've decided that our management should do one of these pictures, and Milo will be our nugget.


Mikey said...


sue said...

Oh, you guys, Milo is soooo cute!!!

mom said...

cutest little nugget they have at gap!!! i miss you guys so much, and look forward to seeing you again real soon! love mom

KristiK said...

Yup, you're little nugget looks like he's from MN! All you need is more flannel. :)

Glad I got to see you guys at Sarah's wedding - too fun to see how Milo has grown!

Much love,
Kristi and J

Anonymous said...

What an adorable picture of Milo. I am amazed how fast he is growing, and he no longer looks like a newborn. Give him some love from me. Grandma Weezie

Portland Dad said...

It was great having you guys here this Christmas and getting to see that baby of yours. And the best part was seeing Milo!