Monday, February 15, 2010

First real hug...

Milo really snuggled on purpose today. He's usually pretty calm and cuddly, but today, shortly before he went down for a nap, he held on and snuggled in. I know it's nature, that he knows I'm his mom, that I'm a warm body, and he was getting a little sleepy, but man, there's nothing like your kid holding on to you. It's totally self-gratification, but in and amongst the slightly crabby wining that's been happening with some teeth coming in, I'm very grateful for these softer moments. Thanks kiddo, for loving me just as I am. Not that you really have a choice :)

Here's the munchkin with Auntie Karen at Bucca's on her birthday. Thanks for sharing your day with us, Karen! Milo loves all his aunties, that's for sure!

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