Monday, April 16, 2012

Good Grief!!

Our super neighbors have struck again! I think I mentioned in our last post about the garden and such that our neighbors to the south of us, specifically Tom and his son Chris who lives 2 doors down, have been taking care of our lawn since it started growing this spring. We tried to pay them, tell them we can do it, though we haven't exactly procured a lawn mower yet. Mike's usually working or asleep when all this happens, and in my current condition, aka that of a whale, haven't felt like I could go try and take over the mower.

Finally, today, Mike was home and awake, and we heard the roar of Tom's mower. Mike jumped up and leaving a pleading son behind, who really wanted to go help Daddy and Mr. Tom, and went to see what kind of partnership Tom was willing to deal. I placated Milo, explaining that when he got a little big, Daddy would definitely let him help mow the lawn. Mike took over on the push mower, and Tom went to get the riding mower. And Milo and I sat on the deck, Milo shouting encouraging things and checking to see how everyone was feeling today. Seems like all was working quite nicely, hopefully cutting Tom's time down, and Mike gratefully participating. After all the major mowing was done, Tom pulled up and asked discreetly if Milo would like to take a ride, and I only grinned. Milo, do you want to take a ride on Mr. Tom's tractor? YEAH!! Yes please? YES PLEASE!!! And away they went, around and around, to the front yard and back plenty of times. Tom even let Milo steer for a bit, and every time they rounded the house, Milo's face about busted with the huge grin plastered on it.

Thanks, Tom. Thanks for being so humbly helpful, for making us feel like part of your family, and for loving our kid like he's your own grandson!

1 comment:

mom said...

What a cute picture!!! Who would not want Milo as a grandson? It is so good to have some one help with things like the yard, and believe me, you will do the same for some poor soul some day!!!
One week til new baby!! yea! mom