Monday, August 11, 2014

Brotherly manipulation...

Both my boys are smart, and this isn't just a proud momma talking, but Milo's starting to understand the strength of his knowledge.  He recognizes what Jude likes and prefers and is completely using that for his own benefit.

Case in point:  Milo's favorite show right now is Octonauts on Disney, a cute show that teaches about marine animals and features a crew including a dog, cat, penguin, and others, lead by Captain Barnacles, a polar bear, thus the appeal.  Jude's favorite things include kitties, candy, cars, etc.  In the morning, especially if I'm moving a little slow or need a little time to myself, I do turn on the baby crack, ur I mean the TV.  I usually try to let them discuss and agree upon what to watch.  Milo asked, "Jude, want to watch the kitty?" "Yeah! Sure!" says Jude.  "Okay, Mommy, Jude wants to watch Octonauts!"


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