Monday, May 07, 2007

Follow up to "and the nominations are..."

Hey, I think I've told a bunch of you this already, but for the wider group at large, my husband is the best, and officially loved and respected by all his peers at school! I told you that he was nominated for two awards, and I guess a couple of my facts were not quite accurate, but this is how everything really turned out: he received three awards!!

He received a Rho Chi (sp?) award for being one of a small handful of students to receive 4.0 GPA last semester! (And as proud as he is, he's come to reality a bit as he's had to work even harder as classes have gotten more difficult this semester, and during a conversation with a mentor-type person recently, this gentleman said he'd "never trust a 4.0" because oftentimes it means they haven't been terribly involved with anything other than their books. I guess he doesn't know Mike very well, which leads me to the other two awards...)

The second is an award within his pharmacy fraternity, yes he's in a frat, but a professional frat, all about volunteering and networking. He was awarded the "brother" with the most enthusiasm, or something to that effect. Basically, he was super involved in pretty much everything the frat did.

And the third award was along the same lines, but from his whole first year pharm student class, he was recognized as the student with the most class spirit and showing and encouraging the most professionalism among his fellow students!

I guess you can trust this 4.0; he's wicked smart and well rounded all at the same time. I'm so proud of him and all he's done; now I'd just like to see him every once and a while! I hear 2nd year is pretty bad, but it gets better after that.


Mikey said...

Editorial Comments:

The Kappa Psi Award is the "Kappa Psi Activity Award" which is selected by the Alumni for activity in Kappa Psi and Academic achievement.

Anonymous said...

Wow,WOW, and WoW again! Congratulations Mike!! A really nice smart guy!! I knew it from "almost" the very beginning!
Hopefully some credit goes home to Megs who put up with being a widow sometimes to all the work you have to do and time put it. It will be worth it in the end, but sometimes seems like a very lonely time for the one waiting at home. Have a great holiday with your family! love ya both, kris

Manda said...

congratulations, that's huge! I hope you can take a well deserved (and needed?) rest.

KristiK said...

I have the smartest brother in the world. :) Way to go Mike! Can't believe you made a grand sweep with the awards after your FIRST year. Sweet.
Love Kristi

Anonymous said...

S-M-R-T, you are so smart!!!