Saturday, November 03, 2007

One last time for the season...

I love fall, have I told you that? And I guess I'm still stuck on the whole apple picking thing 'cuz we went again. Or at least I went again with Mike and two Gap-ies, Natalie and Brit. I mean look at these beauties, and I don't just mean me and the girls ;) Yummy!! We're late in the season, so we were only able to pick Regents and Haralsons, but still de-lish! I'm still shocked at how many people haven't ever been apple picking before, I mean seriously, this is one of the ultimate fall-time activities! And if you have kids, it's a must! Here are some cute picks...


Anonymous said...

Meg, Those apples look quite fabulous, the stridations and color are perfect!! Haha. You really are an expert apple picker! I hope that all is going well with you. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

the way you write is delish too!
love mom