Thursday, July 22, 2010


Milo seems to be on the cusp of walking. Or at least standing unassisted. He pulled himself up in the bathtub last night, little scary; seriously, kid, couldn't think of a safer place to do this for the first time? And today, I'm in our kitchen that overlooks our living room, he's chasing Sally around, and then all of a sudden he's pulled himself up on our wingback chair, which is fantastic and exciting, but also inches from our coffee table with metal protruding legs. Oiy.

He's loving this, but also super cranky as he does new things and finds all kinds of new limitations. It's like learning to drive, but then you realize you have to pay for gas and give people rides; great new freedom and more things to limit you all at the same time. Plus, he's getting a little better with communication, some words, a few signs, but again, same deal here. He can get a few things across, but not everything, and I think he's annoyed with us that we're not reading his mind.

And this brings new frustrations for me too. I want to help him, support him, but I want him to figure stuff out. I want him to stand and walk, though I perfectly happy with him just scooting, much easier to keep track of him, but I don't want to deal with the tears, bruises, and scrapes that come with the falling. Where is that balance of being a supportive mom, without being overbearing and overprotective? I'm sure all you experienced parents out there read this and laugh: oh silly mommy! But don't forget, I'm new at this, and now I'm in a new place too with not many people to talk to, let alone people in similar places in life. Milo and I are making new friends, it just takes some time. So in the meantime, you all will be my sounding board for the time being...


Portland Dad said...

I remember that well and I am on the far edge of letting him work out no matter how bad the bruises are. I'm not sure if that is helpful if you are more cautious. I tried to minimize the dangers around the house by moving the metal edges and then letting the boys explore the space. An important thing to remember is that Milo is a tough little guy that will bounce back from the falls. Falling is an important part of growing up.

Sarah said...

I second what James said about the walking/falling. Plus, it is okay that Milo is annoyed that you are not reading his mind. If you anticipate all his wants and needs and meet them for him, he won't have any need to express them to you. (not that you would do that, but just hypothetically speaking) Frustration in small doses is good motivation for growth and change.

Deb said...

Oh, Meg - but even though James and Sarah are right, don't ever expect to feel good about it. It's hard to let them struggle and fall and get bumps and bruises and sometimes fail at things!! We parents have to resist the urge to always rescue them. (And I'd like to tell you it gets easier over time, as they get older...but I don't want to tell you a lie.) :O )