Friday, September 17, 2010

Things Milo would like you to know...

In the attempt to not only keep all you informed, but try to make this a reasonable journal for Milo to look back on in his later days, here's a list of some of the things he deems important to discuss, aka his first words, in no particular order, and probably forgetting a few...

bow-wow (after some discussion with the Gilbertsons, I'm thinking this was his first intentional word)
bot-too (bottle)
la la lo lo (bed/rest time)
down (usually meaning both up and down, sometimes confusing)
plane (often "plane-ay," not sure why, but ask the book club ladies, it's hliarious)
blocks (very carefully articulated, "ba-lah-ks," like if he could articulate the c and the k, he would)
mo (more)
plees (please)
monk (monkey, green monkey or black mommy and baby gorilla)
tars (stars, recent favorite, and he's surprisingly good at identifying them)
lights (loves, loves, loves lights, any and all, lights that are stars are the best!)
mine (grrrr.... where did he even learn this?)
bo (boat)
dad (sometimes even "bye-bye dad," he even did this with shockingly good timing as I was saying goodbye to Mike on the phone while in MN)
ma-ma-ma-ma (usually associated with whining, again, grrrr...)
shoes (after Nana bought him his first pair of shoes, sometimes it's "two shoes," though not really sure if that's on purpose...)
eyes (loves to pull your eyelids after saying this, you've been warned)
mou (mouth)
cheeeeese (Mike said he said "cheeese, plees" the other day)
joos (juice)
poops (when asked, do you have poops?)

And he also does a myriad of animal sounds when asked including but not limited to mahw (more closely to a Siamese's guttural meow that a typically sweet meow), moo, bah, nay, twee twee (birds), meh (goat), qua qua qua (duck), raaaar (lion), and maybe others that I'm not thinking of. Then, of course, car and truck noises, beep-beep, bbbrrrrrr (trilling lips together), ah boom (associated with crashing or bumping into something), choo choo, more in a tooting way, not a statement as in identification. He even tried chugga chugga chugga the other day when playing with his trains. Didn't exactly sound like that, but don't worry Grandpa Al, we'll get it right.
**Mike Edit**

Other words:

Yay! (usually with clapping hands)
Ba-loo (balloon)
Rocky-Rocky (when sitting in chair that rocks)
it-ties (kitties...sometimes he gets the k in there)
dink (drink)
Pow (all done)
Milo, Milo, Milo! (he likes to chant his name)
I've been also trying to teach him that his bathtime walrus says "galomph, galomph." :)


scott said...

meg congrats on being pregnant again i can't wait to see if it's another boy!!

Meg Schroeder said...

You're ridiculous.

Kayla Whitaker said...

Say whhhaatt???

Meg Schroeder said...

Just to clear the air, no, I am not pregnant! Thanks a lot Scott!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I would love to see this little guy! He looks like he has such an engaging personality, and now he's got a lot to say, too! So great to see him learning by leaps and bounds! Love, Sue
PS Don't forget to start thinking about McGrFur reunion . . . next June . . . somewhere, somehow! We can make it happen!

Heather said...

Scott and Meg--you guys are hilarious. Spreading rumors can be so much fun.
About Milo's language skills, I would like to articulate how wonderfully Milo enunciates his consonant clusters. How many year old kids do you know that can pronounce "bl" and "str" sounds before they speak in full sentences?

Anonymous said...

Milo's vocabulary at just one year is amazing. He's a fast learner already. Meg, I'm glad that you can enjoy the blessings of being with him to see these firsts. It's great that your family has the treat of the zoo pass.
Love, Grandma Weezie