Thursday, December 09, 2010


When we were back for about 24 hours in the Cities during Thanksgiving, we were able to see Grandma Julie and Grandpa Milo briefly. From Great Uncle Hooks and Great Auntie Boggy came a set of blocks from the 1920's that we think Grandpa Milo played with when he was a kid. I love that our Milo can have this amazing relationship, even long distance with his namesakes. Sometimes I feel a little guilty that somehow Milo might get special treatment,

but then I see these pictures and see Milo and Julie with cousin Collin, and I know it's all in my head.

Yes, I think Grandpa Milo and Grandpa Larry enjoy and hopefully feel the honor and respect that we intended when we named the munchkin, but I don't think that is any more special that what they feel for Collin, or than what Mike feels for Collin (Collin's middle nameis Michael). All this to say, I am so grateful for the few stolen moments with grandparents and great-grandparents with my kid. I think I feel this significantly more as a parent than I ever felt before. This Thanksgiving there was lots to be thankful for too: we were able to see Great-grandma Weezie, Great-grandma Sue, and Great-grandma Julie and Great-grandpa Milo all in one trip. Sadly missing one dear grandpa and one sweet grandma...

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