Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas traditions...

Mike's parents are coming to us for Christmas, and we're soooooooooooo excited!! Especially because for the first time in a long time, I'm falling back to one of my original loves: special event coordinating. And what better special event than Christmas with Nana and Booka? I've started my lists, things to do divided into 2 sub-lists ofASAP and "by the time they get here," things to bake, things to make, grocery list, and Mike and I worked on the schedule of events, including menus for each day. I know, I know, I'm a little crazy. But I'm excited, and I don't want to forget anything! Plus, I do really think it cuts down on any potential stress or worry when I know what I've got to do, when I've got to have it done, and my favorite, crossing completed tasks off my list.

In and amongst all this, we've started thinking about our own traditions. Which of the Schroeder's do we want to continue on, which of the McGrail's? What will we do differently? So
far, most of our traditions seem
to be centered on food: Steph's
sausage and egg hotdish (this recipe originated in MN, so it will remain "hotdish" though we are now in the land of "casseroles") is on the docket for Christmas morning. French toast fondue maybe Christmas Eve morning from Shirley Bird via the McGrails. And Mike and I love turkey dinners so much, we're looking to establish round 2.

I'm also a sucker for decorations though I'm a little limited in a 900 square-foot condo, so those traditions might wait. I do love my family's tradition of new PJs to open Christmas Eve, and I don't know where this came from, but we always buried a nut in whatever dessert we ate on Christmas Eve, and whoever got the nut in their serving got to "play Santa" and give out all the presents under the tree on Christmas morning. I don't know why that was so exciting, but I distinctly remember Heather always getting the nut and being really disappointed. Christmas Eve service is also on the schedule. I love the evening service with every great carol, the manger scene, and hopefully
candle lighting. I have a warm spot around my heart right now thinking of all those Christmas Eve's...

What are your favorite traditions? What do you remember loving from your childhood? What makes Christmas Christmas for you? Though I must warn you, if you post something I like, I feel I should reserve the right to steal it for our own... :)

Thursday, December 09, 2010

One of my new favorite holiday things...

These guys are super talented and make me giggle... They're called Straight No Chaser; have you heard of them?


When we were back for about 24 hours in the Cities during Thanksgiving, we were able to see Grandma Julie and Grandpa Milo briefly. From Great Uncle Hooks and Great Auntie Boggy came a set of blocks from the 1920's that we think Grandpa Milo played with when he was a kid. I love that our Milo can have this amazing relationship, even long distance with his namesakes. Sometimes I feel a little guilty that somehow Milo might get special treatment,

but then I see these pictures and see Milo and Julie with cousin Collin, and I know it's all in my head.

Yes, I think Grandpa Milo and Grandpa Larry enjoy and hopefully feel the honor and respect that we intended when we named the munchkin, but I don't think that is any more special that what they feel for Collin, or than what Mike feels for Collin (Collin's middle nameis Michael). All this to say, I am so grateful for the few stolen moments with grandparents and great-grandparents with my kid. I think I feel this significantly more as a parent than I ever felt before. This Thanksgiving there was lots to be thankful for too: we were able to see Great-grandma Weezie, Great-grandma Sue, and Great-grandma Julie and Great-grandpa Milo all in one trip. Sadly missing one dear grandpa and one sweet grandma...

Tuesday, December 07, 2010


A little giggle for you this Tuesday morning. Milo has a couple of pairs of overalls with a little pocket on the front, and we like to stick things in this pocket for him, his cars, crayons, etc. And he looks down, says "pock-ee," and reaches to grab the item. Now this little game has taken and interesting turn. Now he thinks that he always has a pock-ee on his chest and has started shoving things down his shirt. Cars, crayons, blocks, whatever seems like it should fit. Even a small semi truck when we were at Auntie Barb's over Thanksgiving. The other day, which please don't judge me as a mother, we also have two cats that find anything that might be fun to fling around our wood floors, whether they be on the counter, in a dish on the table, well out of reach of our small child, but anyways, longest run-on sentence ever. The other day I found a button in the front of Milo's diaper. Inside his diaper inside his onesie. Oiy. Pock-ee strikes again.