Monday, October 24, 2011

Try and tell me I don't have the cutest kid...

While Mom, Dad, and Heather were on Milo-duty recently so Mike and I could try and find a place to live, my dad snapped these shots with his phone. I'm all about just calling it a day for senior pictures. Seriously, can we really do much better than this? I know, I know, everyone has the cutest kid. And I'll try not to brag him up too much, this will be a moment for me, just let me have it.

On the same trip, on my way back through, we were sitting out on the deck having dinner, and Dad was messing with Milo, both of them sitting across the table from me, tickling him, make him crack up, all the things that are super helpful when trying to get a 2-yr-old to eat. Mike called, and while I was talking to him, all of a sudden, Milo starts repeating with more and more intensity, "What's wrong with Milo. What's wrong with Milo? What's wrong with Milo?!!" He had somehow become wedged between the highchair and table during one of the ticklings, and couldn't quite articulate in his confusion that something was wrong. And yes, we're still working on the third person reference. I think it's kinda funny.

On another front, our little family decided that we didn't have enough going on, and we'd add one more major life-change to our plate: I'm pregnant. Hopefully coming up on the end of the first trimester soon as I'm feeling pretty tired in general and over being nauseous and sick. We're really excited for another little Schroeder to be joining the clan around the end of April!

1 comment:

mom said...

another cutest kid in the world cometh! love you mom