Here we are in NC. Kinda crazy, but we're really liking it so far. Mike picked out a great house for us to rent for a while so we can figure out the area, spend some time becoming parents again, you know, all that stuff. Milo seems to be adjusting well. Gotta say, it's great not having to worry too much about how much this will affect him. He still talks about people in Toledo, but I don't think he really gets what's happened. The most significant thing with him was his 15 hour sleep last night. Mike put him down for a nap around 3pm, he woke at about 4:15pm asking for some milk, went back to sleep, I started to worry about him being alive around 6:30/7pm, went to check on him, and he was half off his mattress (were mid-transition out of the crib = mattress on the floor), covered in his stuffed animals. I tried to gently move him back on his bed, he kinda whimpered and asked me to hold him, so we cuddled for a bit, and he passed out again. I even changed his diaper and put jammy pants on him without him waking. He stirred at about 1am, then about 5am, again asking for milk, I'm sure he was starving, and then was up about 6:30am. He was a peach today, great attitude all morning, super cute and funny. One of those mornings when I'm really grateful I don't have to go drop him off at someone else's for the day.
I'm moving a bit slower these days. Morning/anytime sickness is lessening finally, but not gone yet. I still require a nap pretty much every day. I'm anxious for my nesting stage to kick in, so I can really pull this place together, but I'm making progress. And we've got 4 bedrooms, so if anyone's up for a visit, let us know.
Mike seems to be loving this new position too. The team here seems a good fit for him, good for his personality and development plan as a pharmacist. And not gonna lie, I'm not missing the on-call or working weekends!
I am glad we're back together as a family again. A month was kinda tough. Mike and I saw each other one weekend in there when we were looking at places to live, but Milo didn't see his daddy for over a month. Though he is very resilient, his attitude in general, but specifically when I wasn't around or trying to leave him in the very able care of babysitters or nursery staff left much to be desired. He was really clingy, cried when I left which he didn't do much before, and spent some extra time in time-outs. He also had a couple of sad nights with bad dreams, all of which people have told me were indicators of him just knowing that his dad wasn't there. Again, just glad it's over.
Now he's busy saying things like, "Mommy you come with me to North Carolina?" and pretty much perpetually when he's not around, "where's Daddy? sshh, Daddy sleeping?" and one of my new favorites, "that's really wonderful!" He's thrown that one in once or twice in surprisingly appropriate times. This pic is one that my dad/moving truck driver-extraordinaire snapped enroute; we had stopped for lunch, and Milo loved to get up in the "penske truck."
**Mike Edit**
Milo has discovered how to use the itouch recently. He likes playing this puzzle game that involves routing cars and trains through busy intersections. He has beaten Dad's high score already. I was telling Meg I'm not sure whether to be proud or ashamed as a parent... :)
It reminds me of this video I saw recently; a commentary on where future generations may be heading?
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