Here's some pictures of the new gussied up kegerator:
I got some tap handles from James, Kate, and Finn; I also received some German beer glasses and the tap on the far right from Gary and Sue. Notice the state fair medal hanging in the background :) Actually, that's the only beer I have on tap right now is that beer from the state fair. That and the weird cinnamon cider that Meg won't drink that is about a year old.
One difference between living here versus Duluth is I haven't had to put a heater in my kegerator yet because the beer is TOO COLD!
Scott and Mandy made my brewery somewhat more official and definitely more swanky with personalized mugs.
Listen up and listen good. Frost the mugs. I don't konw jack about know it, I know it. Sometimes I can't even remember what beer I like. BUT, if it's served in a frosty mug, I'm all over it.
Pretty sweet set up there Mike! It looks official, especially with the handles and the mugs. :)
Jason's not joking when he says he can't remember which beers he likes....he only came to visit me at Outback all those times for the discounted tasty steaks and the frosty mugs. ha ha.
Glad we got to see you guys at Christmas! Love ya.
Tell me where in the world you keep that thing, Mike? Hiding in the closet of the second bedroom or what?
How come *I've* never tasted your beer. I did live with you, you know....
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