Thursday, June 24, 2010

Road tripping...

What do you do to keep an almost-1-year-old busy on an ungodly long roadtrip? Almost anything, but specifically give him the favorite toy from cousin Finn... Mike is convinced that the sheep is trying to get Milo to help him blow up London Bridge, but I don't know; he's just so innocent ;) (when you press the button to "call" the sheep, the phone plays "London Bridges")


Portland Dad said...

Henry was talking to Milo watching this, and getting frustrated that he didn't answer. I told him it was a video and he grabbed my face and he said "No Daddy! It's SKYPE!" These techno savvy kids

Amy said...

It's so cute to see Milo. It's been way too long1

Kayla said... all I can say is that Milo is freaking adorable AND I need car activity ideas! Eek..we are leaving for GA in 4 days to see Ty graduate from boot camp...18 hours in the car with a 4 year old and an 18 month old with an attitude...who planned this??? :) Miss you SO much!!!
Kayla W.