For those who do not know much about Belize (including myself), it has the 2nd largest barrier reef in the world. Turns out one of my labmates has been to Belize before for some Scuba diving. While trying to figure out what to do for our one week off, he suggested becoming certified in open-water Scuba diving.
I have dove a few times when my parents took us down to Mexico, and I can say it was a blast for me. Becoming certified is definitely a dream of mine.
Anyway, I have been emailing some scuba schools in Belize that has PADI certification, and there is one that has classes during the week we have off. Not only that, but they said they would give us a good deal since we are missionaries. How cool is that! Meg is a little hesitant since she has not tried it before, but is excited to give it a go; we may be card carrying scuba divers when we come back from Belize.
Also, we recently invested in a digital camera so we can post pictures progress of our missions with Praying Pelicans and our adventures trekking around Belize. Stay tuned...same bat channel, same bat time.
I once found a conch shell while snorkeling. it wasn't empty and I had to throw it back. that is now on my permanant record and they won't let me get certified :-(
Dear Dear Scott, I want Meg to be a little afraid! and Mikey too for that matter. I have only been snorkeling, and I was not a very happy camper! Hi to you, by the way! How are you?
Also,why would finding a conch shell keep you from being certified? Love to you all!mom/kris
meg...don't let anyone lie to you, scuba diving is maybe not as scary as jumping out of an airplane, but just as scary as almost anything else...but the risk is totally worth the benefit!
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