Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A few angels among us...

Let me introduce you to a few of the angels in my life, usually sent directly from God at just the right moments, to give just what I need at that moment. In no particular order:

Amy Patrick, lives in Salt Lake City, UT, and has the uncanny sense of when I'm having a rough time with stuff, calls, says she's in Minnesota, and says that she's coming to hang out, give and receive backrubs, and "unpack" our apartment. Love you, Amy J; impecable timing, and the best backrubs I've ever gotten.

Denise and Maria, gals from the flower shop, who also make the time for me in their very busy lives, among multiple jobs, couple of sweet daughters, husbands, etc. to take me out for drinks, laughs, and moral support.

Amanda Lufholm, wonderful, wise, sister-type; we seem to go thru similar stuff, but at different times, making her the best source of experience-based advice; plus she gives great hugs and takes me on long walks with Sam; what more is there in life?

Tatianna and Janell, got some lovin' from the PPM staff this past weekend at a staff reunion; Tatianna is pure joy incarnet, her laugh is infectious, her smile lights up a room or an entire state park, and this contentment shines thru when she leads worship. She makes me want to be near her to try and grasp some of this joy that wells up from her soul! And Janell, what, no, Janell, come on... my roommate from most of the summer, that knows my moods when I wake up in the morning, cries with me when I need to cry, commiserates when I need to commiserate, laughs when I need to laugh, and can belch like few other refined women I know; truly a sister in all aspects of the word! And man, when we say angelic, I imagine her voice when she sings is what heaven will sound like when we praise Him for all eternity!

And for some reason, they won't let me put on any other pics... I was going to tell you about the fabulous BJ... I'll just have to save her for her own blog!

Thanks to all you wonderful women who have given so much to me so effortlessly!! I appreciate all of you more than you'll ever know. And PS- these are just the people who have effected me lately!


Mikey said...

Too much warm and fuzzy going on this blog...when are you going to put pictures of me with my medal up? :o)

Svoblogger said...

and - the svoblogger!!! if ever there was an angel... oh boy!