Monday, September 04, 2006

White Coat Ceremony Pics

Well, during orientation they threw a white coat on me, and called me a student pharmacist. So I guess its somewhat official now...

Here's some pictures from after the ceremony:

I present to you the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities pharmacy class of 2010.

Some proud parents thinking, "Seriously Mike...are you REALLY done with school after pharmacy school?"

Would you buy drugs from this man?


Meg Schroeder said...

Is my husband not the most handsome, soon-to-be pharmacist you have seen?!? Love you so much, and I'm so proud of you!!!

Manda said...

I most certainly would buy drugs from that man! Congratulations and best of luck, student pharmacist.

KristiK said...

I would only buy drugs from that man if it was a life or death situation......just kiddin'. You look TOTALLY professional and adult-like now Mike. :) I love the spikey hair!

Congrats on making it through orientation and your "white coat" ceremony. I hope it wasn't too intense.

Did you finish your thesis for grad. school yet? Or are you gonna double time writing the thesis and pharmacy stuff. hee hee! You smarty pants you.

Love ya guys.

mandy said...

Welcome to the white coat club! You look great!