Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A few of my favorite things... from this week...

So we had a couple of great surprises this week already. Some great friends from Duluth popped down and stayed the night on our new futon; Eric, Jen, and Zeb Svoboda came and crashed in our extra bedroom Saturday night, hung out for a bit Sunday morning before meeting up with some other friends in Minneapolis. We saw Eric for just a bit last weekend when we were up in Duluth, but we missed Jen and Zeb as they were in Fargo ("Faaaar-gooo") visiting with Jen's family, but we got the whole gang for a night in St. Paul. Jen and Eric were among the first couples that Mike and I got to know and love as a couple. It works out perfectly in that I enjoy Jen's company as much as Mike enjoys Eric; and Zeb is the perfect entertainment for all of the above. I like this arrangement with the four of us; we complement each other well, it seems, and man, watch out when it comes to playing a mean game of marbles; Jen and Mike are just a wee bit too competitive, but fortunately, Eric and I can generally keep them in line. We haven't tried Settlers of Caton with all four of us yet, that just might get ugly.

And then, just tonight, I was steeple chasing on the east side of St. Paul, and just decided to keep driving, over the river and into Wisconsin, to U of W River Falls, where one of my favorite college freshmen resides: Sarah Knuth. We spent a most pleasant evening scarffing Perkins and sitting in the greatest little coffee shop, sipping tea and mochas, writing speeches, updating excel files, and catching up. Sarah, as I've mentioned in the past, is wise beyond her years, with a ready smile and laugh; always a light in my day. She's working on a degree in Elementary Education and will someday become the best second-grade teacher ever to walk the halls of any school she chooses to bless (don't really know about the second grade thing...).

Thanks, Eric, Jen, Zeb, and Sarah, for making my week already, and it's only Tuesday! I enjoy all of you and miss you all terribly, though I'm way glad that we're still not too far away (35 minutes, Sarah; I timed it on the way home!)


Portland Dad said...

You seem to be flush with great people in your life. Has moving made you acutely aware of just who those people are that you love so much?

Meg Schroeder said...

Or how much I miss the great people I've been taking for granted...

Svoblogger said...

let me add to that picture of jen and I dragging Zeb. We actually were dragging him when that picture was taken (i had no idea you captured this moment with a photo meg) ... We generally let Zeb hold our hands as we walk but this time - his pants were falling down (unknown to his parents of course) and it seemed like he was lagging behind so we were actually dragging him down the street, but soon realized his pants had fallen down and fixed them.

Mikey said...

I already called child services in regards to the picture