Thursday, January 25, 2007

Homework 'n Hoops...

Our friend Shannon has convinced me that I might be of some use in a community program that she heads up; it's a sort of after-school tutoring/mentoring program with some inner-city kids called Homework 'n Hoops. I'm not sure how much use I am most of the time, but I think the students just appreciate the attention, and that I can give.

The last two weeks I've been working with Olga who is nine years old. English is the second language in her home, but she speaks infinitely better English than I will ever speak Spanish, so she teaches me a little more each week; if only I could teach her something occasionally! This week we worked on identifying the food groups and some greater-than, less-than math type stuff. She brought a little stuffed dog named spot along with her, who kept us company as we worked. We also played carpet ball, and for being kinda small, that girl can whip that cue ball down the lane as well as any of us.

At the end of our time together tonight, as time grew short, Olga started noting various items of interest that I was wearing, first the hood on my sweatshirt, then the nametag I was wearing, and finally my scarf. She decided I wasn't utilizing this item to it's greatest potential, tied it around my neck, and then wrapped it up and over my head, tying it on top, covering my ears. Of course, my hair is everywhere, and typical of a youngster, she didn't quite grasp the idea that as she tied the scarf tighter over my head, it also tightened around my neck. Needless to say, it was a little uncomfortable, and I was a little disheveled, and I loved every moment of it. I almost forget how much I enjoy kids.

I spend so much time interacting with adults, I miss the freedom and innocence of the interests and touch of kids. Olga melted my heart tonight, just with her laugh, her creative clothing designs, and just her touch. Human touch is so amazing. In no inappropriate way, just our simple little game of let's-see-how-goofy-we-can-make-Meg-look, we allowed a moment, I think we are sometimes too guarded to allow, to happen. Kids are so tactile, they want to hold your hand, lean on your shoulder, tap you on the shoulder when they want your attention, not just speak. I noticed this last summer in Belize, but in my hiatus, I almost forgot. We have our personal space as adults, and kids have little if any concept of that, at least not at that age. What happens to us along the way that we become so guarded? Where do we learn to step back from interaction?


Anonymous said...

Dear Schmoogs,
whereever you are,God will always use you in a mission environment of some kind! You are truly a blessing! Love you mom

mandy said...

I think Mom is better about reading all these blogs than anyone! You just need to get an "official" sign in, Mom!

mandy said...

I think Mom is better about reading all these blogs than anyone! You just need to get an "official" sign in, Mom!

Anonymous said...
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Amy said...

How *about* those E.R. pharmaceuticals? LOL!

Jason Kastrounis said...

You're awesome Megs

Anonymous said...

Hey mand,
where's your blog? love mom
and what is an official sign in?