Sorry it's been a while again. I'm a little worried I'm going to lose all you faithful readers, and yet I also worry that I will bore or depress you these days. Still in a little bit of a slump, though our special times with family this season was a ready and appreciated reprive.
Two weekends before Christmas, Kim and Sarah Knuth from Duluth came to visit and treated me to a great evening; we grabbed dinner at Cafe Latte on Grand Ave. in St. Paul, one of Mike and I's favorites, and then we saw "White Christmas" at the Ordway. It was really cute, and so fun to spend that time with two great gals. They had absolutely covered every inch of the trees in the little park in from of the theater with Christmas lights, so even though there was no snow, it felt very winter-esque.
We spent Christmas with the Schroeders in Chaska; Karen and Dandy, Larry and Steph, and Kristi and Jason from Virginia Beach. Spent some great time with the extended families as well, the Peterson side on Christmas Eve, and the Schroeder side on Christmas Day. We've officially moved into adulthood, no more swapping of presents with the extended family, instead, someone decided on this brilliant idea; we each donated a gift card from somewhere that could be found at various locations in the country, and we played the dice game, rolling and winning a gift card and then still rolling, hoping for doubles so we could swap for the gift card that we really wanted. It was pretty fun, and a great idea! I hope the becomes a tradition.
We spent a long weekend over New Year's with the McGrails. Mandy and Scott were in Indy for a while from Hawaii, and we caught them on the last 36 hours of their visit; such a rare time to get all of us together, and our first holiday with Finn.
I think I'm experiencing auntie envy; I worry that when Mike and I start thinking about/having kids (no, Meggers is not preggers, Scott) that we will not be able to keep up with the angelic expectations that Finn has placed on all his unborn cousins; aside from the fact that he is quite possibly the cutest kid on creation (no offense Zeb or Conner, he's blood) he really is a great kid, doesn't fuss a whole lot, unless Grandma Kris looks away for one second and he wacks his head. He's very patient and falls asleep at the most ideal times and locations, allowing all looking out for him to enjoy long, lesiurely meals, games, and the like, and then wakes in the best mood with the hugest grin on his face. What if my kid is not so cute, what he/she is crabby in the morning like me, what if they have a hard time sleeping like Grandpa Larry does? Eh, we've got time to worry about all that a little later...
I'd like to post some pics from our gatherings, but I think Mikey has the camera, so if he gets back soon, we'll see what we can do. Otherwise, tune in soon; New Year's resolutions: 1) to have no parking tickets all year (parking nazi's on U of M campus); 2) be generally likable person at all times, even when crabby or sad or when dealing with unreasonable people in ritzy suburban mall; and 3) to keep up with blog so as to keep up with all of you (emailing, blog checking, etc. happens all at once).
Happy New Year, my dear ones.
You'll never lose me, your faithful reader.
I'd make a great Godfather. Remember that when Meggers is preggers.
The Cuda's have copyright dibs on the "meggers is preggers" phrase when it becomes excessively popular in common language.
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