Monday, October 23, 2006

By the power of Grey Skull...

Way to go, Mandy; Mike was He-man for a retreat thing he went on with his pharmacy frat for early Halloween excitement. They had to dress as their favorite '80's cartoon character. Sorry about the delay in posting after the hints, Mike didn't take our camera, and it took him a little while to get a picture from someone else, but here he is in all his glory with Rainbow Brite:

Note his great pecs, huge biceps, and thunder thighs. I'm quite proud of this costume, esp. since it was last minute. Mike's a pretty good sport too. I guess he had gone down to the gathering, there weren't too many people out and about, and he had two tests that Monday he got back, so he went back to his room to study. An hour or so later, one of the guys he went with calls him and says, "By the power of Grey Skull, get down here He-man!" Took him about a half an hour to get back into his get-up, but he had a great time, and everyone was pretty impressed; a couple of other guys had wanted to do He-man but didn't because they couldn't figure out how to do it. This is what ex-RA's and artistically deprived chemists do... I still say he should've worn something that says "I love She-Rah!"


Anonymous said...

Dear Mike and Meg,
what a great costume!! A very handsome model and obviously the designer has had many years of experience doing costumes out of a box of hand me downs! Love ya mom

Svoblogger said...

castle of grayskull burger.

Svoblogger said...

when are you going to tell me what you think about the sinking vikings??? or should I say stinking vikings?????

me and zeb are mad.