Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Don't know where I got that word, but it feels good to say when I'm irritated or frustrated or just discontented. I just found out that I officially did not get a sale I've been working on for about a month and a half. One of my first really good leads. And I feel like I did everything right; had a great meeting with the pastor, followed up well, but not being too annoying; the pastor even seemed to feel badly about saying no. He said he appreciated my heart for ministry and could tell I had an genuine heart for God and missions. But it just didn't come thru. I'm not looking for a pitty party, so don't worry about sending condolences. I'm just bummed. Grrrrranimals... I think I'll go find some chocolate...

Hey, our buddy Eric (see link on side of this page to the Svoblogger, I think...) found a neat clip from a Dove campaign. Check it out. I don't know how to do the fancy linking thing, so just go to his blog and connect to it.


Anonymous said...

<-- CLICK HERE -->

Anonymous said...

using < > as bookends.

a href=""

then type your hyper link and finish by bookending

/a with < and >

Svoblogger said...

this is silly.

sorry for all the anonymous posts, its just confusing.

Watch the video

Meg Schroeder said...

Thanks E! And yeah, that was a little confusing, was worried for a minute that we were getting blog-spam! Thanks for your help and the link!