Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Crooked Tree...

So it's a little hard to tell what's actually been published and when from that crazy computer owned and operated by our wonderful Taiwanese family who run our hotel. So I'll hope that you've been able to see a few of the items Mike and I have attempted to post. We are just at the end of our third day with our first trip, a group from Colorado working in a little village called Crooked Tree, which I think Mike told you a little bit about. We started VBS today after visiting a Children's Home in Belize City on Saturday, leading two church services yesterday, and a bit of a construction/service project painting the outside of the church and starting to lay some foundation work for tiling the floor of the church. We, in all actuality the group, have prepared for months for probably about 50-75 kids; we had 104 show up to the church today after a full day of school. This is a slightly bigger village, but this is amazing!! And we'll probably only get more as the week progresses! The group is already tired, but working so well; praise God for keeping us going when we really want to give up. I was pretty sick Saturday, and a little yesterday; might've eaten something bad, but fortunately, my leadership team is taking great care of me, esp. Mike, and I think God had bigger plans for me 'cuz it's already passed. I have never been so proud of my husband as I have been the past couple of days; he serves so selflessly and puts up with so much. I wish you all could see him down here; he's amazing. Gotta run though, getting a little late and still have another 6 1/2 weeks to go! Thanks for all your prayers and support! Will post pictures when we can. Love you!!


mandy said...

I'm following the blog and am the first to respond to this entry! There are some benefits to being 6 hours behind every one else...

Amy said...

So glad to hear things are going well. I hope that you continue to feel better, Meg. Glad to hear that you get to see Mike shine. What a dear he is.

Love from Utah!

Anonymous said...

Hey dear Moogs and Mikey,
You guys sound great, and we miss you here in Indy very much! Finn sends his love and says keep up the good work Uncle meg and Aunt mikey!!! Love mom/kris

Anonymous said...

Hi Meg and Mike!
I love your blog! This is a great way to keep track of what you're doing so I know what to pray for. I miss you when I read everything. Congrats on becoming an aunt and uncle!
x0x0 from NJ

Svoblogger said...

tell Mike that I am very proud of him too! He learned how to be such a hard worker and so self-less from playing Settlers of Catan. er..... maybe not. but I'm sure somewhere along the line the game taught him *something* about being a better person. it has for me!!!

Thanks for the updates - jen and i are praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Just got on the blog... Can't believe you are there. Love you both so much. You are such strong troopers. Talk to you soon.